MEET YOUR GOALS: Our sessions are tailored to meet your specific training goals, rather than the generalized curriculum of a group class.
UNDIVIDED ATTENTION: Receive the benefit of 100% personalized attention with our trainers rather than sharing that attention with other students in a group class.
COMFORTS OF HOME: Training in your home and neighborhood makes it easier for your dog to focus on you and not everything else going on in a group setting. If your dog is nervous around unfamiliar dogs or people, then our private training is ideal. You and your dog won't be stressed by distractions and will be better able to focus and learn.
ACCURATE ASSESSMENT: Training in your home and neighborhood allows us to diagnose behavioral issues quickly by minimizing distractions while observing your dog in his familiar surroundings.
EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS: If your dog displays behaviors such as reactivity to dogs/people, pulling on leash or jumping on people, it’s not just that ONE problem. Dogs have more issues that need addressing than just the surface-level problem. To effectively work on your dog's undesirable behavior, training will require more than one class in a group setting.
PUBLIC OUTINGS: If your goal is to have a dog who is comfortable in public, then a training session at a park or outdoor spot is ideal. Our trainers will help you through any public challenge without having to manage it on your own.
KEEPING YOUR DOG SAFE & HEALTHY: Our clients don't have to worry about an injury to their dog due to a scuffle that may occur with a reactive dog in a group class. Also, private training avoids the risk of exposing your dog to a contagious illness in a group setting.
SET THE PACE: Our training is done at your pace, dedicating the time needed to address undesirable behaviors in your dog and mastering skills.
TRAINING VIDEOS PROVIDED: Clients receive videos documenting every session. This gives you the opportunity to review the instruction you received from our trainer as often as needed.
WE'RE HERE FOR YOU: Training doesn't end with the session! Our trainers are always available to provide guidance for anything that requires prompt attention after the session.
COST EFFECTIVE: By focusing on specific behaviors, private dog training takes fewer sessions to attain your goals, thus making it more cost effective.
CONVENIENT: Plan sessions around your personal schedule. Our trainers are available Sunday - Thursday 9a - 8p and Friday - Saturday 9a - 5p.
CONTACT: | 404-863-2960
Copyright 2020 - 2024. My Loyal Dog Training, LLC